Modern Slavery Statement
This statement has been prepared by the Rebellion Group of Companies* (“Rebellion”) in accordance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015.
What is Modern Slavery?
Modern slavery is an international crime that affects all countries and industries. Rebellion aim to ensure no slavery or human trafficking takes place within our own organisation nor in our supply chain.
Rebellion policy
It is our policy to never knowingly work with any companies that engage in the practice of modern day slavery. We operate a zero tolerance policy on this subject and encourage our suppliers and partners to do the same.
Our procedures
We are continually reviewing and improving the procedures we have in place that ensure modern slavery does not occur in our business or supply chains.
- Robust recruitment processes in line with UK employment laws, including: ‘right to work’ document checks; contracts of employment and checks to ensure everyone employed is 16 and above.
- Regular reviews of employee pay to ensure we meet our obligations under the National Minimum Wage and National Living Wage entitlements.
Managing our supply chains
Rebellion is exposed to greater risk when dealing with its suppliers, particularly those who have operations/suppliers in other territories. In order to manage this risk we undertake the following measures:
- When engaging new suppliers we require them to confirm their own zero-tolerance commitment to combating modern slavery.
- When sourcing new suppliers we encourage any employee procuring goods or services to act responsibly and ethically.
- Encourage anyone suspecting a supplier of operating in an environment where modern slavery is a risk to report this to us immediately.
Reporting slavery
Should anyone have any comments or concerns regarding modern slavery taking place in Rebellion or its supply chain they can be directed to
Looking forward
Rebellion is committed to ensuring no acts of slavery or human trafficking take place within our own organisation, nor those of our suppliers and partners. We will constantly review our procedures to ensure we are doing all we can to achieve this.
This statement was approved by the Board of Directors on 31st March 2019 and is endorsed by
Jason Kingsley
Director of Rebellion Group Ltd
31st March 2019
Further information on Modern Slavery can be found at
* The Rebellion Group of Companies is comprised of Rebellion Group Ltd and all subsidiaries and connected companies, including but not limited to Rebellion Developments Ltd and Rebellion Publishing Holdings Ltd.